L’Amuse-Trad de Dijon

Dijon's Amuse-Trad is a skilful blend of traditional music, festive music and folklore. In the morning, it livens up the market around Les Halles, in the afternoon the squares and pedestrian streets and in the evening, it invites you to a Trad ball / dance concert in the Salle Devosge.
As part of Dijon's Amuse-Trad, an information stand will be set up on Place François Rude to tell you all about the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Morning & afternoon: free entertainment / Free access to the stand
Bal Trad with Bandoléon / Iniskord / Toctoctoc Salle Devosge from 6.30pm to 1am
Single ticket price: €12 (booking recommended www.tradculture.com)
Refreshments and food on site


  • Dance
  • Festival
  • Festivals
  • Music
  • Village festivities with dancing
  • Tradition & folklore


Saturday 16 September 2023 from 10am