Moby Dick

"My grandfather was a sailor. He had a naked woman tattooed on his arm. I remember him as a smell of fish and salt, tar and tobacco. Yngvild Aspeli

This brief presentation allows us to better understand how to immerse ourselves in Yngvild Aspeli's show. Indeed, for this sensitive artist, the story is certainly transmitted through words, but also through an atmosphere to which each element contributes: the puppet, the acting, the music, the light.
In her opinion, no one captures the battle between man and nature better than Herman Melville in Moby Dick. And this expedition, in which Captain Ahab and the famous white whale confront each other, is also the story of an obsession, as well as an investigation into the meaning of life. The violent, magnificent, unpredictable ocean contrasts with the fragile equilibrium of the boat floating on its surface, which only scratches the surface of the mystery of the infinite depth of the underwater world. Seven actors, fifty puppets, mapping, a sunken orchestra and a life-size whale will be used to stage this magnificent monster of literature.


  • Theatre
  • Art and shows
  • Puppets
  • Theatre

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