Sur la terre comme au ciel

Between vineyards, villages, towns and church steeples, the 1st SUR LA TERRE COMME AU CIEL (ON THE EARTH AS IT IS IN THE SKY) Biennial Event invites us to a creative and spiritual summer from 22 June to 11 July, in homage to artistic creation, to Creation itself and to the beauty of the sacred places that surround us in a Côte d'Orien itinerary to be rediscovered in a new light.

The theme of this 1st edition is silence. A silence that is consented to and necessary, the silence of prayer and contemplation, a silence that is essential if we are to discern more clearly what moves us. A prerequisite for greater love, compassion and simple, authentic joy.

A wide range of surprising events, open and accessible to all, await you: from a workshop to learn to sing in sign language, to an intergenerational fresco, exhibitions, concerts, inspiring encounters and even walks and snacks in the fresh air. The only contribution you have to make to gain access is to share the joy of being together!


From 22/06/2024 to 11/07/2024