Exposition “dire et montrer”

Isabelle Lartault's artistic work is most often based on poetic writing. As they evolve over time, most of her texts or fragments of texts are updated, combined or developed using the same themes, the same structures or the same types of statements. This work can give rise to different modes of expression: publications, exhibitions and performances.
In Isabelle Lartault's own words, "whenever possible, we take into account the specific nature of the chosen mode of expression, the space involved (from the page to the street, not forgetting the venue) and the environment in general. Using words and/or simple visual signs, I try to show and tell what is not said, to reveal appearances, to show the double standards of a world where everyone wants to be different, to remind people of the obvious repetition of the natural and cultural cycles in which we live.

Over more than forty years, she has produced a large number of performances, installations and readings in France and abroad (Berlin, Milan, Brussels, St. Gallen, London, etc.). She has published books (often in limited editions) as well as numerous texts in poetry and literature magazines.

Since 1983, Michel Verjux has been using projected light (directed, framed and focused) as his artistic expression. The cut-out projectors that the artist uses most of the time draw and sculpt forms of 'white' light (artificial light known as 'daylight') that cover and reveal the surfaces and volumes of the spaces he encounters, whether they are indoors or outdoors. By favouring this mode of exposure, Michel Verjux interacts with the environment presented to him. Such acts and signs of exhibition show themselves in themselves while integrating and showing the place as part of the work. With his pared-down visual language, the artist reduces the work to one of its most minimal forms. And, as he himself says: "I communicate this primary feeling: that of being physically and intellectually connected to our environment.

The artist has published numerous texts (most of them 'theoretical'), including a selection of his writings published by Editions des Beaux-arts de Paris in 2011. He has taken part in numerous solo and group exhibitions in France and abroad (Europe, North and South America, Australia, Asia).


  • Exhibition
  • Guided tours
  • Art and shows
  • Sculpture
  • Video


Open from 15/02/2025 to 05/04/2025, Wednesday to Saturday, 2pm to 6pm