Chair et Os

3 performance dates: Thursday 5 - Friday 6 and Saturday 7 May 2022 - at 8pm

Inspired by circus mythologies, animals as iconic subjects but also by the world of the ring, circus apparatus, CHAIR AND BONE will be disturbing, grating to evoke the delicate question of the relationship between men and animals.
Never has the separation between humans and animals been so abysmal. Never have we been so far removed from our animal condition. On stage, several performers, half human / half animal, will play this tragi-comic farce. Ground and aerial acrobatics and contortion will be the tools of expression in this work.

Artistic direction, choreography: Jérôme Thomas
Dramaturgy and texts : Aline Reviriaud
Stage direction: Jérôme Thomas and Aline Reviriaud Artistic collaborator, choreographic assistant and performer: Lise Pauton Lighting: Bernard Revel
Set design / Costumes / Accessories: Emmanuelle Grobet
Music: Jérôme Thomas and Michel Legouis Actor / Sound designer: Michel Legouis
Sound engineer: Arousia Ducelier
Stage and Lighting Manager: Dominique Mercier-Balaz
Cast: Leonardo Ferreira, Magdalena Hidalgo Witker, Tamila De Naeyer, Nicolas Moreno, Juana Ortega Kippes, Lise Pauton, Michel Legouis

Full price: €15
Reduced rate : 10€ (-26 years old, jobseekers, RSA beneficiaries, intermittent performers, groups of more than 10 people)


  • Circus
  • Art and shows