Festival Qué Gusto !

The ¡Qué gusto! Festival will be the autumn rendezvous for Mexican food lovers at La Cité. A whole series of exclusive events are being organised to help you discover the culinary and cultural richness and variety of Mexico. A muy caliente atmosphere to tantalise your taste buds, with the state of Chihuahua in the spotlight!

The colours of Mexico at the Cité

☑️ Altar of the Dead
Every year, Mexico is decked out in its finest colours for the Día de los muertos. The Day of the Dead is the best-known traditional Mexican festival in the world. Discover the world of this ritual inherited from pre-Hispanic civilisations around the altar of offerings set up in the hall by the association Mexique en Bourgogne. Learn a little more about this festival of the dead, which is far from sad!
From 23/10 to 3/11 - Hall de la Cité - Free admission.

☑️ Chihuahua exhibition
Did you know? The state of Chihuahua is the birthplace of the famous Mexican burrito! Explore this vast state and enjoy the landscapes, culture and culinary delights of the whole region. Photo exhibition in the hall.
From 23/10 to 3/11. Free admission.

☑️ Children's activities & parent/children's workshops
Holiday mini-workshops for little cooks
Make the most of the holidays to celebrate Mexico, its traditions and its gastronomic riches!
Holidaymakers, get cooking! Roll up your sleeves, Mexico has so much to teach you!
Purokao, the traditional Mexican chocolate factory, invites little gourmets to decorate and enjoy traditional chocolate lollipops! For children aged 5 and over - at 2pm on 31/10, at 2.30pm on 02/11, at 2pm on 03/11 - Lasts 30 min - Workshop and lollipop to take away: €4
Have you ever tasted real Mexican tacos? We're offering you an excursion full of flavour and discovery with this traditional Mexican recipe. Put on your best tacos and enjoy.
Parent/child culinary workshop for children aged 6 and over - at 10.30 am on 02/11 - Duration 1 hour 9€/ parent/child pairing
A culinary workshop to prepare traditional Mexican tortillas! Parents/children workshop from 6 years old at 11am on 01/11, at 10.30am on 03/11 - Duration 1h - 9€/ parent/child duo
Make your own piñata and learn a little more about the ritual of these decorated "cooking pots". Parent/child workshop from age 7 - at 4pm on 01/11 and 03/11 - 1 hour - €9/parent/child pairing
A play for the little ones with Julia recounting her childhood memories surrounded by the aroma of chocolate.
For children aged 3 and over - at 10 am on 31/10 and 01/11 - Running time 45 min - €4
Storytelling show. For children aged 5 and over - at 3.30pm on 31/10 - Length 45 min - €4
En route to Santa Cecilia in Mexico... (Re)discover Miguel's fabulous adventure as he finds himself propelled to a place as surprising as it is colourful: the Land of the Dead. An extraordinary animated journey with a hot chocolate snack. For children aged 6 and over Showing of the film Coco and snack - at 3pm on 31/10 Cinéma Pathé - Duration 2h30 - €6
Embark on an immersive journey into the world of the Aztecs... For children aged 5 and over - at 3pm on 03/11 - Length 1 hour - €6

☑️ Flavours of Chihuahua, a chef's lunch with experiential cuisine
In Mexico, the meal is a ritual of affecting the flavours of the market. Lydia González, Head Chef of the ITACATE restaurant in Paris, takes her chef's hat off and brings this other UNESCO World Heritage cuisine to its very best. Share a lunch inspired by the state of Chihuahua and created especially for ¡Qué Gusto! in Dijon.

☑️ Tequila, Mezcal, cocktails and Mexican wines
Immerse yourself in the world of Mexican spirits and mixology, with its aromas of lemon, hibiscus, chilli pepper and corn. Explore Mexican wines, learn about their history and taste a range of wines from different regions, including Chihuahua.
Journey to the heart of Mexican cocktails at the Experiential Bar
Preparation and tasting of cocktails.
At 6pm on 31/10. Lasts 2 hours. 17€.

☑️ Meetings and tastings at the Cave de la Cité
➡️ Meet the Sotol of Chihuahua and Mexican Spirits (discussion and tasting of 5 different spirits). At 5pm on 1/10. Duration 1h30. 13€.
➡️ The Hidden Treasures of Mexican Wines (discussion and tasting of 4 wines). At 4pm on 2/10. Lasts 1h30. 13€.
➡️ Sensory immersion: the aromas of Mezcal (workshop and tasting). At 11 am on 3/11. Duration 1h30. 13€.


  • Kids
  • Festival
  • Course / Workshop
  • Lifestyle
  • Art and shows
  • Music
  • Painting
  • Gastronomy


From 31 October to 3 November