Many of us know Nina W. without even knowing it. She is Nina Wolmark, scriptwriter of the cartoon series Ulysse 31 and Les mondes engloutis, and adaptor of Rahan, fils des âges farouches.
These series, the first to appear in France, have become cult hits and have been adapted all over the world.
The Animated Life of Nina W. is loosely based on the story of this true heroine, born during the Second World War somewhere in Belarus, her parents fleeing the bombing of Warsaw, their home town, a few months before the ghetto was built.
Her fate, which could have turned out to be tragic, sometimes becomes almost magical; Nina's life is also made up of pleasures and delights; her exile is a source of lessons and hope.
All that was missing was a meeting with Séverine Coulon in 2017 to transform her into a fictional character and bring 80s pop culture back to life.
The + Meet Nina after the 2.30pm and 3pm performances
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