L’attendeur public à Dijon

Would you like some poetry? In the middle of the market, actors Céline Hilbich and Olivier Nikolcic offer you a poetic escape based on wine, vines and the winegrowing landscape... while you wait in line! Choose your poem à la carte, according to its flavour, its colour, its poetic taste in the mouth... like a good wine!

The public waiter likes to wait. He makes himself available to people waiting in queues at the Meursault, Chagny, Dijon and Beaune markets. He offers to stand in for them, giving them the opportunity to leave the queue for a few moments before returning to their seats. During the time they are released, an actress invites them to discover a poem. This actress offers the spectator a list of poems, like a wine list. The poems are classified according to their flavour, colour and taste in the mouth. The audience makes their choice and the adventure begins.

The poems selected by Céline Hilbich and Olivier Nikolcic cover a wide range of themes relating to wine, vines and the wine-growing landscape. What unites all these texts is the commitment of their authors. They are texts that can touch today. The texts chosen speak of love, wine, nature, peace...
When the reading is over, the reader takes his or her place in the queue, which has now moved on.

Our proposal is to look at the world through the prism of poetry, to sublimate life for a moment, to talk to each other even if we don't know each other. A stolen moment off the beaten track. During these suspended moments, the two actors will also be offering goodies and information on how to discover the Climats de Bourgogne.

In collaboration with the Maison Jacques Copeau.
Duration: a short stolen moment
Free admission


  • Commercial event
  • Dinner Show
  • Lifestyle
  • Art and shows
  • Poetry
  • Wine - wine tasting
  • Market

Quality labels

  • Attribute der Immobilie Climats du Vignoble de Bourgogne


Sunday 23 June, 10am to 12pm (Dijon) - 15 June, 6pm to 8pm (Meursault) - 16 June, 10am to 12pm (Chagny) - 27 July, 10am to 12pm (Beaune)

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