Le Karaoké Orchestral (avant la fin du monde) (groupe Le K.O.) à Sennecey-lès-Dijon

By the group Le K.O.

This show is part of the Arts et Scènes Côte-d'Or season organised by the Conseil Départemental de la Côte-d'Or.

A timeless orchestra of 6 musicians, among the most prominent on the French music scene, takes to the stage. Their repertoire? The great hits of French variety, from the 60s to the present day. They arrange them, they disturb them, they revisit them and they invent. Added to this is the formidable, communicative energy of a room-warmer in therapy.
KARAOKÉ ORCHESTRAL is irresistible. We'll make you sing, solo, in duet or in choir.
The star is you, dear audience !!!!
We know the song, all it takes is a spark.

All audiences - Duration: 1 set of 1 h 30 or 2 sets of 1 h with intermission


  • Music
  • Music
  • Variety music
  • Concert


Saturday 17/02/24 at 7pm