Yannick Jaulin, a fabulous storyteller, needed to create a diptych, two different forms, to take his quest for language and love, intimacy and society, and to deal with transmission and heritage.
Ma langue maternelle va mourir... is the first part. It will be completed in January 2020 with the show Causer d'amour, presented at the Théâtre des Feuillants.
The artist from Vendée loves words. Language is his working tool, and now he's talking about his tool, putting words to his own: the French he loves, his head language, and the patois, his emotional language.
Here he declares his veneration for all the little languages that escape the world economy. He joyfully recounts his love for them in a duet with Alain Larribet, a musician from Béarn with a passion for travelling and for ethnic and traditional instruments. He talks about his heritage and his whims: the shame of patois, the resistance to standardisation, the pleasure of using a language that has not been standardised, and the loss of transmission, because with words also disappear the skills of knowing how to do things and how to be in the world.
This show is like a simple garden, invigorating and healing.
There's no telling how much joy it brings.
- Theatre
- Art and shows