“Modulations”. L’Exposition.

All the MODULATIONS of the creative arts. 15 artists, most of whom are members of the Chœur de France Bourgogne, each play their own part and together create a symphony of colours, nuances and vibrations. Painting, Pastels, Watercolours, Photos, Woodcarving, Lamp-making, Drawing.

With finesse, tenderness and even humour! Solo, in trio, but above all all in unison to offer you another facet of their talent. The Chœurs de France choristers don't just sing. Some of them dance, others write poetry, but here it's the graphic arts and woodcarving that will be in the spotlight, as we bring together some of the artists who took part in the Virtual Exhibition that brought the COVID period to life. This is a unique opportunity to see their work IN REAL LIFE. And that changes EVERYTHING!
Don't miss it: artists will be on hand every day to talk about their work and showcase their expertise "LIVE 2024"!


  • Exhibition


From Monday 22 to Sunday 28 April