Passage de la flamme olympique 2024 en Côte-d’Or

A historic moment is about to unfold in the Côte-d'Or with the imminent arrival of the Olympic Flame. As the 54th stop on an exceptional 68-day journey across France, the Côte-d'Or will be the scene of unforgettable festivities linked to the 2024 Olympic Games. On 12 July 2024, our département will have the immense privilege of hosting the Paris 2024 Torch Relay. The flame will pass through 8 emblematic towns and sites, illuminating our region with its symbolism.

On the programme for this Olympic day:
Morning: Semur-en-Auxois, Saulieu, Beaune
Afternoon: MuséoParc Alésia, Source-Seine, Saint-Jean-de-Losne, Vougeot
Late afternoon in Dijon

The programme at each of the sites will include a host of events, parades, hurdles of honour, sporting challenges and cultural activities, all free of charge for participants to celebrate this unique moment!


  • Sport and leisure
  • Sports
  • Athletics gymnastics
  • Running
  • Cycling sports
  • Water sports
  • Tennis
  • Sporting competition

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