Randonnons en Côte-d’Or

As part of the Grande Randonnée vers Paris, the CDRP 21, in partnership with OPAD, is organising a day devoted to hiking in the Côte-d'Or on Saturday 13 April in Dijon.
Entitled "Randonnons en Côte-d'Or" ("Let's hike in the Côte-d'Or"), the event will take the form of workshops and conferences on themes relating to hiking in our beautiful department.

Workshops (all day): Where can I find hiking routes? Which hiking club to choose? How do you find your way using a map and compass or a mobile app? Which equipment for which hike?

Conferences :
11am: Walking in the city (Speakers: Collectif piéton de la métropole dijonnaise)
2.30pm: Hiking in the Côte-d'Or (Speakers: ambassadors for the Grande randonnée vers Paris and Frédéric Joly, journalist with Le Bien Public who has walked part of the GR®2 Au fil de la Seine)
3.30pm: How to prepare for a hike: equipment, food, safety, etc. (Speakers: instructors from the Comité départemental de la randonnée pédestre de Côte-d'Or)

Date: Saturday 13 April
Schedule: 10am to 12pm and 1.30pm to 5pm
Venue: OPAD hall, 3, rue de la Chaudronnerie 21000 DIJON
Free admission
Information: cote-dor@ffrandonnee.fr / 03 80 41 48 62


  • Sport and leisure
  • Sports
  • Hiking
  • Hike / Walk


Saturday 13 April