Sacra Musica – Concert lyrique flûte-chant-piano

Beauty will save the world - Dostoyevsky
"Sacra Musica" is here for you, for hope, to let the soul sing, because sacred music touches hearts, because it is an art apart, that we can neither see nor touch and that it allows us to say the divine and the unspeakable.
ClairObscur-Lyrique with Sylvie Monot, mezzo-soprano, Caroline Schmid, pianist and Mathilde Groffier, flutist, invite you to follow them on a celestial, mysterious and bewitching path where the voice, the flute and the piano will navigate through the different periods and styles, through songs and pieces that evoke the divine, prayer and lead us into a peaceful and serene meditation.
Léo Delibes, César Franck, Camille Saint-Saëns, Andrée Caplet, Charles Gounod, Gabriel Fauré, Giovanni Pergolèse, Jehan Alain, Antonio Vivaldi, Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert, Georges Bizet, Jean-Sébastien Bach will be our guides!
No reservation required
Free entrance - Participation by hat


  • Music
  • Music
  • Lyric art
  • Church music
  • Concert