« Saint-Saëns et l’Orient » concert avec flûte-chant lyrique-piano-oud-violon et lecture

As part of the 23rd edition of the Festival "Les Nuits d'Orient" in Dijon, ClairObscur-Lyrique presents "Saint-Saëns and the Orient".

"If I were not a captive, I would love this country,
And this plaintive sea, and these cornfields, and these countless stars,
If along the dark wall did not sparkle in the shadow the sabre of the spahis." - Excerpt from "La Captive" - Les Orientales by Victor Hugo

At the beginning of the 19th century, writers, painters and musicians painted an Orient straight out of the Thousand and One Nights: fountains, Turkish baths, harem scenes, captive women and... offerings.

The Orient became a quest for happiness, for the new. Its influence in Western art speaks of a distant Orient, a fascinating fantasy world.

Saint-Saëns did not escape this call of the Orient, he presented himself as "the orientalist of music". Let's meet him again with extracts from his emblematic works of the East and the West for voice and piano arranged for flute, violin and oud (a major instrument of classical Arab-Andalusian music).
We will visit the Nile, Ismailia, a city in north-eastern Egypt, the enchanting Greek island of Kythera, the Gulf of Baia at the crossroads of the Mediterranean and Tyrrhenian Seas, and Blidah, a city in Algeria known as "The City of Roses".
We will listen to passages from Victor Hugo's collection "Les Orientales", who was also fascinated by these sunny, colourful landscapes.

Sylvie MONOT lyric singer mezzo-soprano
Mathilde GROFFIER flutist
Caroline SCHMID composer and pianist
Pierre-Olivier FERNANDEZ oudist and violinist
Bernard BACHEROT storyteller

Saturday 3 December 2022 at 8pm
Sunday 4 December 2022 at 3pm
Salle de la Coupole - 1 rue Sainte-Anne in Dijon
No reservation required
Free entry - Participation by hat
Website: https://www.clairobscur-lyrique.fr
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ClairObscurLyrique/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/clairobscurlyrique/


  • Music
  • Music
  • Classical music
  • Concert
  • Opera
  • Recital


On 03/12/2022 at 20h00
On 04/12/2022 at 15h00