Vernissage de l’exposition « L’appel de la terre » avec les artistes Pepe Doñate et Belin

Itinéraires Singuliers and the Centre Hospitalier La Chartreuse invite you to share a moment of conviviality around the inauguration of the new exhibition at L'Hostellerie - Centre d'Art Singulier, bringing together the Spanish artist Pepe Doñate and the Burgundian artist Belin.

"Pepe Doñate and Belin share a love of the land. One puts his lips to it to intoxicate himself with its flesh and nourish his work, the other puts his hand to it to hear its cry...".

--> Open to all
--> Meet the artists and enjoy a drink


  • Exhibition
  • Art and shows
  • Painting
  • Sculpture