Savour your stay at Novotel Dijon Route des Grands Crus. An ideal place the whole family to relax or for a business trip. Feel at home in our spacious rooms, lie by the pool or enjoy a gourmet meal on the terrace of our bar-restaurant.
- Hotels - restaurant
Quality labels
- Novotel
- 4 stars (hôtels)
On site
Level of comfort
- Internet access
- Internet access in bedrooms
- Cable/ satellite
- Canal +
- Air conditioning
- Double glazing
- Mini-bar
- Hair dryer
- Telephone
- Television
- pétanque bowling
- table tennis
- French
- German
- English
- Spanish
- Italian
- Laundry
- Charging point for electric vehicles
- Customers' safes
- Gepäckaufbewahrung
- Post
- tourist information
- telephone messages
- picnic baskets
- lunch trays
- take away meals
- External facilities reservations
- Room service
- fax
- Pets accepted
- Bar
- Library
- interactive terminal
- internet connection point
- Boules pitch
- Shops
- Garden
- Chidren's games
- Park
- Private parking
- Piano bar
- Swimming pool
- Restaurant
- Reception room
- Meeting room
- Seminar room
- Sports hall
- Lounge
- Terrace
- Telecommuting space
Payment methods
- American Express
- Credit card
- JCB card
- Cheques and postal orders
- Travellers cheques
- Holiday vouchers
- Currencies
- Cash
- Eurocard - Mastercard
- Titres repas (tickets restaurant…)
- Bank transfers
- Visa
- 120 rooms
Opening times
Open every day, 24-hour reception
- Hearing handicap
- Mental handicap
- Motor handicap
- Sight handicap
Italian shower with stool, adapted toilets for disabled people and parking area with space for people of reduced mobility.
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