L’atelier Street art – bombe et marqueurs

"The last few years have seen a revival of urban art in Dijon, spearheaded by some of the biggest names in street art. Take a tour of the city to discover these hidden works of art, and at the end of your journey, enjoy a unique moment of creation at a workshop in the Jardin de l'Arquebuse in the presence of a Dijon urban artist! Florian Labaye will be introducing your children to his favourite medium: stencils and spray paint. As part of the 'Wild Nature, Fragile Beauty' exhibition, the artist in residence at the Orangerie will be showing you how street art can also celebrate nature and its ecological challenges.


  • Festivals
  • Course / Workshop
  • Guided tours
  • Art and shows
  • Other cultural theme


Type Min. Max.
Base rate 20€


On 03, 10, 17 and 31 August at 2.30pm.