
Welcome to the microcosm of a small travelling library, and meet its librarian Claire, nicknamed Bibliothé-Claire.
Bibliothé-Claire has books of all shapes and sizes. She arranges them by colour, format, category or according to her mood.
In this library, there's a section for sad books, another for funny books and scary books, all dusty and a bit mouldy, because no one dares borrow them.
But something unexpected happens to Bibliothé-Claire. One day she discovers a tiny, terribly cute book: a baby book! What a surprise when she saw that its pages were all white: not a letter, not a word, not a picture, nothing but white. Being responsible for a baby book is not easy for Claire. The little one sometimes cries very loudly. Is he hungry or tired? And what kind of book will it become? A dictionary? A technical manual? And where should it be stored?

Bibliothé-Claire's library is both a familiar and reassuring world, but also a joyful din of books and surprising sounds to explore.


  • Theatre
  • Art and shows
  • Theatre


Wednesday 14 February 2024 at 3.00 pm
Thursday 15 February 2024 at 10am and 2.30pm