Enfants Sauvages

This show, written and directed by Cédric Orain, is based on two true stories that fascinated their contemporaries: those of Victor de l'Aveyron and Kaspar Hauser, who grew up alone, reclusive or in an exclusively animal environment. How did these children survive? How were they able to develop senses of unprecedented acuity? In an attempt to answer these riddles, the author has woven the two stories together to tell the tale of a modern-day child who arrives alone in a square, haggard and ragged, to ask for directions. How is he looked at and what will be done with him?
This story is brought to the stage by an actress and an actor who play the roles of doctor, policeman, teacher, tutor and circus director, while a third performer, a circus artist, plays the role of the child. Between those who believe that the wild child is irremediably backward and those who believe that emancipation is possible, what will become of him?


  • Festival
  • Dinner Show
  • Theatre
  • Art and shows
  • Theatre