La promenade de Flaubert

Three tables are arranged in an arc.
On them rests the world in which Flaubert and his wife evolve, little puppets wandering around a large scale model, a set made up of Singer sewing machines, gears, cogs and animated cranks.
Welcome to machine theatre!
Adapted from the book by Antonin Louchard, the author of L'Éducation sentimentale (but that's another story) is observed by the sun, the clouds, the mountains and the sea. Flaubert wanders tirelessly through the four seasons. Fortunately, Madame Flaubert keeps an eye on him, because he's a bit of an airhead. In winter, he loses his hat; in spring, his glasses end up at the bottom of the ocean. Then came the tragedy of summer... fortunately the cable car and the submarine had been invented.
Faced with the vagaries of the weather, this theatrical promenade for puppets, actors, gears and a music box tells the story of a playful destiny and the cycle of life.


  • Art and shows
  • Puppets


Saturday 10 February 2024 at 10.30am and 4pm
Sunday 11 February 2024 at 11.00 am and 3.00 pm