Remue-Méninges – Coulisses des mythes scientifiques

Newton and his apple, Marie-Curie who paved the way for women in science, Einstein the dunce, Galileo and the flat Earth... The next Remue-Méninges delves into the myths and preconceptions surrounding famous scientific names and theories.

Antoine Houlou-Garcia, associate researcher at the EHESS, lecturer at the University of Trento in Italy, and author of several popular science books, will guide us through the history of science and explain how and why certain discoveries did not always turn out as we are told...

Meet up on 30 May at the bar Le 37 at 6.30pm. Antoine Houlou-Garcia's book "Et la pomme de tomba pas sur la tête de Newton" will be available for sale and signing.


  • Sport and leisure
  • Leisure and sciences