
In 1941, Elsa Barraine and Roger Desormières organised the cultural resistance in an attempt to counter German or Vichy propaganda. Poulenc, Auric and Sauguet were part of the Front National des Musiciens and wrote on the deeply committed texts of Eluard and Aragon. These austere works broadcast on Radio Paris contrasted with the Resistance songs of the maquis or Radio London: they were passed from mouth to mouth and gave themselves over to caricature: what could be better than resisting through laughter... even if it was yellow.

This concert-reading takes place at the Côte d'Or Departmental Archives as part of the exhibition Pioneers of the Resistance, the Grenier Godart network 1940-1942.

Price 16€.
Reduced rate 13€.
Free for under 12s


  • Music
  • Culture and tradition
  • Music