This institution of Dijon is the place to be for those looking for the authentic and friendly atmosphere of a brasserie, near the museums and theatre. Homemade traditional dishes, NON-STOP service 7 days a week and public holidays. Short circuit, local beers and wines. Outdoor seating areas. Air-conditioned room upstairs.
- Restaurant
- Regional Burgundian cuisine
- Traditional cuisine
Quality labels
- Brasserie
On site
- French
- English
- Pets accepted
- Bar
- Air Conditioning
- Private dining room
- Terrace
- Wifi
Payment methods
- Credit card
- Payment cards
- Cheques and postal orders
- Cash
- Titres repas (tickets restaurant…)
- Visa
- 180 covers
- 80 covers excluding terrace
- Hearing handicap
- Motor handicap
- Sight handicap
Nous avons une porte à plusieurs battants pour une ouverture large, une marche mais une rampe amovible, mais nos wc sont étroits avec encore des marches pour y accéder.