Inspired by the famous Grimm brothers' tale, and illustrated live by Lorenzo Mattotti, the show gives the story an unexpected dimension: behind the happily resolved story of two children, Dominique Pitoiset's stage version reveals a disturbing work of striking beauty.
In this show for all the family, drawing, music and storytelling are invented together, live and with panache.
Far from the aesthetics of storytelling, Lorenzo Mattotti uses black ink to draw a gallery of powerful mental images that punctuate the narrative, carried by actress Nadia Fabrizio, with their hypnotic beauty. In this dialogue between black and white, between silences and Engelbert Humperdinck's pictorial music played on 4-hand piano by the two prodigies Nour Ayadi and Pierre-Marie Gasnier, Hänsel & Gretel finds a new expressionist force that elevates this tale to the grandeur of a myth about childhood and hope.
- Theatre
- Art and shows
- Theatre